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From 23rd-31st March most of our breed-specific health packages are only £99! Search for your breed to find the package.
From 23rd-31st March most of our breed-specific health packages are only £99! Search for your breed to find the package.

How to swab your pet

Our swabs are simple to use for the collection of DNA.

If you have our BLUE or WHITE swabs then you need to:

  1. Remove the swabs from the packet without touching the brush/swab end. 
  2. Rub the brush around the inside of the cheek. The aim is to collect cheek cells from your animal so you really do have to give it a good rub.
  3. Return the brush swab to it's packet (the one with the barcode sticker).
  4. The barcode/swab number for the swab is on stickers placed on both swab packets.

If you have one of our RED swabs then you need to:

  1. Open the swab without touching the flocked cotton tip.
  2. Rub the cotton tip around the inside of the cheek. The aim is to collect cheek cells from your dog so you really do have to give it a good rub. 
  3. The barcode/swab number for the RED swab is horizontally on the barcode sticker and will look like PGL-XXX-XXX-XXX.

If you have one of our GREEN swabs then please see the video below.